Have you been looking to pick up a few profitable rental properties? This may be the perfect opportunity. This portfolio includes 7 single family properties, 2 two unit properties and 1 3 unit property. All units are fully rented on a month to month basis. All properties are nicely updated and well maintained.
10 Properties in Holyoke MA
1. 59 Pine ST. Holyoke MA Single Family 3-5 bedrooms
Rented for $1,250
Annual rent is $15,000
Taxes 3,019.97
2. 74 Pine St. Holyoke MA Single Family 3 bedrooms
Rented for $1,150
Annual Rent $13,800
Taxes $2,345
3. 75 Pine St. Holyoke MA Single Family 3 bedrooms
Rented for $1,100
Annual Rent $13,200
Taxes $2168
4. 76 Pine St. Holyoke MA Single Family 2-3 bedrooms
Rented for $1,175
Annual Rent $12,100
Taxes $903
5. 49 Linden St. Holyoke MA Single Family 3 bedroom
Rented for $1,200
Annual Rent $14,400
Taxes $1411
6. 2.5 James St. Holyoke MA Single Family 3 bedrooms
Rented $1,375
Annual Rent $16,500
Taxes $2627
7. 157 Beech St. Holyoke MA Single Family 3 bedrooms
Rented $1,300
Annual Rent $15,600
Taxes $1991 Tenets pay water and sewer on all single families
8. 175 Pearl St. Holyoke MA Two Unit Property
Rents $1,000 & $680
Annual Rent $20,160
Taxes $3,518.8
9. 1047-1049 Dwight St. Holyoke MA Two Unit Property
Rents $950 & $930
Annual Rent $22,560
Taxes $3925
10. 295-297 Walnut St. Holyoke MA Three Unit Property
Rents $1050 , $880 & $695
Annual Rent $31,500
Taxes $3530
Water and Sewer for multis aprox $3000
Annual Insurances and other expenses aprox $8000